11 de febrero 2025

Webinar | Beyond Mentoring and Consulting Executive Coaching

Join us and be part of a dynamic webinar workshop on Executive Coaching

Discover the use of coaching tools and mindset:

  • How the essence of executive coaching differs from consulting, mentoring, and therapy.
  • The pivotal role of a coach in bringing the potential of clients to make effective advance towards their goals.
  • How we train participants in our Executive Coaching Certification Program, laying the groundwork for impactful coaching relationships.

With Professional Certified Coach, Ruth Gavilán, Codirector Academic Department

Coaching, Beyond Mentoring and Consulting Workshop

  • Tuesday February 11th
  • 30 minutes Live Online
  • From 1pm – To 1.30pm (Madrid Time Zone)
  • Complete te registration form below



Tuesday, February 11th


Live Streaming


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