Belén Vallve

«Extraordinary results for working with teams»

Belén Vallve

I am an ICF certified coach, Trainer in Neurolinguistic Programming, certified by Frank Pucelik. I am a trainer and consultant in organizational, team and personal development, motivation, leadership and organizational culture. As a PCC certified Coach, my goal is that people stop being reactive and have the tools to choose. To generate options so that a sense of wellbeing prevails in our lives. 


What training have I received at the EEC?

Online team coaching 

Other Testimonials

«El libro ‘Ikigai’ me recordó que uno es el único dueño de su destino y desde entonces abracé mis deseos con valentía y compromiso»

Susana Esmolinger, EEC Alumni Protagonista del Mes | Febrero 2025
Especialidad en Adolescencia y Familia
See testimony
Claudia Savitzky, EEC Alumni del Mes

«Being happy, for me, means generating value for others and contributing to the personal development of those around me»

Alumni Protagonist of the Month January 2025: Claudia Savitzy
Online Executive Coaching Certification
See testimony

It makes me happy to see how people find inspiration in the tools I provide."

Cristina Moreno, EEC Alumni Featured Highlight of the Month | December 2024
Coaching Certification | Team Coaching
See testimony