Clara Beleiro, EEC Alumni Protagonist of the Month | February 2024

«I marvel at my spaces of ignorance»
We invite you to find out about the concerns and ways of experiencing coaching from Clara Beleiro, certified coach, PCC by iCF and student of the EEC International Team Coaching Program and part of the EEC Alumni community. Read the interview or listen to the podcast on Spotify.
About me, in short:
A curious apprentice.
What is my passion?
Painting and dancing, if possible both at the same time.
I describe myself in one sentence/quote:
Limpia tus estanques y cuida tus dragones. Es una frase que apareció en un sueño y me acompaña desde entonces.
What book do I have on my bedside table?
No tengo libro. Tengo podcasts y un cuaderno donde tomar notas sobre mis sueños.
Last film I have seen:
Hmmmmm, I don't remember.
What is my song of the moment?
Lots and lots of jazz.
What news would I like to hear?
Ceasefire in Gaza, less poverty in Argentina.
What has been my greatest achievement?
Crying without guilt.
What is my biggest challenge?
Value every moment, every action, every relationship.
Where do I see myself in three years?
I don't plan for three years. I see myself alive and vibrant doing what I love.
I got excited for the last time...
Watching the sunrise through my window, now, listening to the rain falling in the garden.
You can't stifle a scream when...
I ride my bike across Brooklyn Bridge when I hear a good live jazz show.
My friends say of me...
(???) Thanks for the question, I will ask it.
What I do best is...
Dancing and decorating my spaces.
I would like to...
To travel the globe, go back to Florence and eat hazelnut ice cream walking along the Ponte Vecchio... I would like world peace, for our planet to feel cared for and honoured.
I never thought that...
I never thought until I think about it and then I marvel at my spaces of ignorance.
How do I recharge the batteries?
Gardening, dancing.
What do I need to be happy?
Plants, appreciating, sharing moments with my family, hugging my daughter, playing with my dogs, being grateful, appreciating, eating rabas while looking at the sea, seeing new places, receiving a loving message from a friend, working to create.
I wish that...
Let us learn to live together in our differences.
Through coaching I learned...
To reflect on my biases and to recreate myself, sometimes to observe myself.
For me, coaching is...
A learning paradigm, a way to expand the world.
In which groups would I like to apply coaching?
Neurodiversity, a collective that I sense is much broader than we imagine.
I recommend a coaching book:
Time to thinkby Nancy Kline. It is not a coaching book but a book for coaching and for life.
What training/research/experiences complement my coaching studies?
I come from corporate education and that allows me to choose where to look from. Painting and dance help me to play with metaphors and explore body and emotion. Gabrielle Roth's 5 rhythms are certainly a magical gateway to the exploration of the self.
What could you bring to the EEC Alumni community?
Make a virtual dance experience by going through the rhythms with questions.
What training have I received at the EEC?
Team coaching.
What question have I missed that you would like to ask and answer?
I just add that I liked the questions and I played them with my daughter and my husband and we were surprised and recognised each other. Thank you.
Escucha la entrevista en podcast
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