Marta Sánchez-Capuchino, EEC Alumni Featured Highlight of the Month | June 2024

"For me, coaching is a tool that helps clarify thoughts, emotions, and actions."
Passionate about life and dedicated to helping people find more happiness and balance through coaching and mindfulness, Marta (EEC Alumni 2009) has a career that spans personal, professional, and team coaching, as well as Mindfulness and Positive Intelligence. Her international experience—having conducted the interview in India—and her practical approach drive her to continue learning and sharing, always with the intention of creating a positive impact on those around her.
About you, in summary.
Passionate about LIFE, about enjoying, learning, sharing, laughing...
What is your passion?
Helping others to be a little bit happier through personal, professional, and team coaching, as well as through a program called MBSR, Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, and another powerful program that combines mindfulness, positive intelligence, and coaching (Positive Intelligence).
News I would like to hear
Balance and peace on Earth, the end of diseases and wars.
My greatest achievement
To be the mother of three wonderful human beings, and when I was about 6 years old, having a clear vision that I wanted to learn English, which led me to take the big step of living in the USA, learning English, experiencing other cultures, meeting people, and having the opportunity to live in different countries... (Canada, India).
My biggest challenge
To extend the power of Coaching and Mindfulness to as many people as possible.
Where do I see myself in three years?
Physically, wherever life takes us, India/Spain... On a less physical level, continuing to learn and help from every experience and every person.
The last time I was moved...
Receiving a big hug from my daughter on Mother's Day, and hearing a few days ago how much the things we share help people become more themselves, finding their best version and bringing them more joy and calm.
I can't suppress a scream when...
I see an unfair treatment.
My friends say about me...
That I have very big ears (the ability to listen).
What I do best is...
Gazpacho :)
I would like...
Que el mundo fuese un lugar en calma, armonía y paz para todos.
I never thought that...
I would live in India.
How do I recharge the batteries?
Meditating, swimming, laughing, and spending time with family and friends.
What do I need to be happy?
Breathing, remembering that simply being without labels is the most authentic way to live.
I wish that...
Right now, that all people have a home with health, love, and peace.
Through coaching, I learned...
To help find the best version or start that journey.
For me, coaching is...
A wonderful tool that helps you clarify and put into perspective thoughts, emotions, and actions.
In which groups would I like to apply coaching?
Expatriates, executives, teenagers, and generally people with a strong desire to grow.
What training/research/experience complements my coaching studies?
Experience as a Human Resources Consultant, Master's in Human Resources, MBSR (Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction) Instructor, Positive Intelligence Coach, Neuroscience and Coaching, Mindfulness at the Workplace by Oxford Mindfulness Centre, Coach for Life by Life & Leadership Coaching, Mindfulness Program for children aged 4 to 18 by Eline Snel.
What could you bring to the EEC Alumni community?
The personal experience after years of inner work of truly turning off the radio (as we learn in coaching school) is only possible if one is fully present and understands how the mind works.
What question have I missed that you would like to ask and answer?
How can we contribute to the better future of our youth and our planet? By teaching ancient and wise traditions, such as living in the present moment with love, acceptance, and care.
Continue listening to the interview in the podcast.
A reading, a movie, a coaching book, a song, and a quote...
I describe myself in one sentence/quote
Unión, enlace, conexión, puente.
On my bedside table I have...
Vivir con Plenitud la Crisis (Full Catastrophe Living) de Jon Kabat-Zinn y Stillness is the key (Ryan Holiday).
I recommend a coaching book
El libro tibetano de la vida y la muerte (Sogyal Rimpoche) y Reinventing yourself de Mario Alonso Puig.
Last film I have seen
Eat, pray and love.
My song of the moment
What activity do I value most in EEC Alumni?
La información transmitida y la gran valía de las personas que la forman.
What training have you completed at the EEC?
Coaching de Equipos en 2021, Coaching Profesional en 2009 y Programa de Salud y Neurociencia en 2022.
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«El coaching es un ejercicio de humildad. Para indagar en los demás, primero tienes que cuestionar lo que crees que sabes»

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«Being happy, for me, means generating value for others and contributing to the personal development of those around me»