Digital Coaching Experience

Expanding the future with customized coaching experiences and innovative methodologies.

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What makes DCX different?

The platform that transforms organizations and people

Digital Coaching Experience (DCX) es la solución integral Reskilling scalable solution for promoting development Reskilling growth at all levels of the organization through coaching.

Our executive coaching experience for over 20 years has taught us the value of putting the person at the core of any activity. We incorporate our extensive experience in executive coaching processes for Top Managementprofiles, adapting our methodology to make an effective organizational deployment at Middle Management level.

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with DCX

Discover all that DCX has to offer:

  • Develops transformational leadership.
  • Enhances upskilling and reskilling abilities.
  • Increases commitment and talent engagement, also facilitating internal mobility.
  • Values and enhances diversity in teams.
  • Promotes wellness.
  • Improves conversational skills.
  • Promotes teamwork.
  • Strengthens diversity Reskilling and in teams.
  • Supports cultural transformation and change.
  • Generates better integration to the organizational culture at the on-boarding stage.

An innovative proposal

We are committed to constant, sustainable growth, adapted to each client.


We are backed by 20 years of experience and more than 18.000 professionals we have trained around the world. 

Experience in coaching processes as well as in professional development programs Reskilling coaching aimed to teams..


We are experts in adapting to our clients' needs. Each project is unique for us, offering a premium Reskilling ad hoc service to each client.


Pool of professional coaches selected, certified, supervised and mentored by EEC who also have ICF (International Coaching Federation) or similar accreditations.


La excelencia de nuestro servicio se refleja en el cuidado detalle que dedicamos a la selección de los coaches en cada proyecto y a su rápida inversión.

Una selección exclusiva sabiendo que los coaches formados en la EEC son los más demandados por las empresas.


Homogeneous methodology and protocols regardless of the number of coachees or countries involved in the projects. Number of coaching sessions set according to specific needs so the process evolves properly.


Individualcoordination of the coaching processes , with updated information and follow-up.


Guarantee of the adequacy of the coach to the profile of each coachee in terms of alignment and trust, to favor the coaching process effectiveness for the coachee.

Robust, responsive and flexible process management solution.

  • A robust and friendly platform specifically programmed for coaching process management.
  • Developed 100% by EEC.
  • Responsive development, accessible from PC, tablet or smartphone.
  • Multi-language platform (Spanish and English).
  • Allows customization of the environment with the client's logo.
  • Coachees will find a simple ecosystem from which to manage their coaching process.
  • Training Resources Library: designed and built with materials selected by EEC in various formats (videos, podcasts, readings, etc).
  • Processes available in several languages.


The prestigious ISO/IEC 27001:2022 seal by Bureau Veritas recognizes our unwavering commitment to information security, coaching accreditation and privacy protection of our online training and coaching services, as well as in our innovative (Digital Coaching Experience) DCX service.


Learn more from our clients' experience...

We share some of our clients' testimonials after they partnered with us: they comment first-hand on their challenges and learnings.

CIC Energune

El éxito del Programa de Mentoring del Grado Inmobiliario de UPM-ASPRIMA se basa en la clara definición de funciones del mentor y del mentee que les permite establecer una relación bidireccional basada en el respeto y la confianza.

Un acompañamiento y formación por parte de los expertos coaches de EEC que empodera tanto a mentores como a mentees a alcanzar sus objetivos de manera estructurada y efectiva.

Víctor Sardá, director of this postgraduate course, describes it as ‘an experience of generous collaboration, where managers dedicate time and energy to support young professionals in their entry into the real estate sector’.

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Desde 2015, LVMH Iberia colabora estrechamente con Escuela Europea de Coaching (EEC) para diseñar e implementar programas innovadores que potencian la comunicación, el liderazgo y la adaptación al cambio. Carmen Salamero, Directora de Recursos Humanos de LVMH Beauty Iberia & Global Loewe Perfumes, destaca que esta colaboración les ha permitido construir un entorno donde el feedback continuo y la confianza son pilares fundamentales.

Fernando Vargas, director de Proyectos de EEC y responsable de la relación con el cliente, ha diseñado las iniciativas específicamente para atender las necesidades de LVMH, que han resultado en una transformación cultural significativa, promoviendo un liderazgo más inclusivo y empoderador.

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Mª Eugenia Ruiz, from Fundación Mahou San Miguel, shares and explains the transformation that the project that the foundation has generated (and continues to generate) with young people in the Hospitality and Tourism sector in collaboration with EEC Consultancy has generated (and continues to generate). In this interview, Mª Eugenia highlights, among other things, the double impact of the collaboration which, on the one hand, boosts the skills and abilities of the volunteers, and on the other, prepares young people to face the job market with greater confidence.

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Ana Castelló, HR Leader at Metro Food Sourcing VTO, explains how the collaboration with the European Coaching School (EEC) has revolutionized leadership and fostered a culture of feedback throughout the organization. Discover the direct impact of the leadership programs and the creation of a unique brand identity that sets Valencia Trading Office apart.

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Nuria Gibert, director general of CIC EnergiGUNE, gives voice to his opinion on his long-standing relationship with the European School of Coaching as a coach and aartner of different projects, and the consequences of this on the functioning of the organization. 

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Susana Cortés, director Human Resources at Novartis Spain, tells of the impact her experience with Escuela Europea de Coaching has had. In this conversation, Cortés explores the differences she and her peers have observed in their behaviour as an organization.

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Juan Carles Cifre, human resources director at Rituals Iberia, shares his experience of using coaching in his organization's management team, and how they started to roll out the exercise to other teams because of the positive results. 

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