Alberto Hernández
Curriculum Vitae
- Master in Administration and Management. UDESA. Argentina.
- Master's Degree in Health Organization Management. UNIBO. Italy.
- Postgraduate degree in Public Opinion and Media. FLACSO. Arg.
- Postgraduate subjects in Political Philosophy. UNMDP. Arg.
- Degree in Social Work. UNICEN. Argentina
- Organizational Coach. UDESA. Argentina.
- Diploma in Team Coaching and Teams in the family business by EEC
- Political Coach. Newfield Network.
- Mastering Coaching Skill. Team power.
- Scrum Master by Scrum Manager.
- Certification in Design Thinking with CYNRUBINSTEIN. Argentina.
What is your passion?
Living. A certain vitalism has always run through me, although I became aware of it as an adult. I was once called "the prolific Alberto", and that was the key that helped me to go through my life and to realize my passion for the abundance of life.
Why are you in coaching?
When I discovered coaching, I found a meeting point between what a profession can offer and my personal qualities. I find great satisfaction in accompanying individuals and teams to work on their challenges and achieve their goals.
How did you come to coaching?
"You are a Coach, but you don't know it", my friend Sergio told me. Not only that I didn't know it, but I had a very negative belief about coaching. But I listened to him and started to venture into this field. Today I am a full citizen of the Coaching world.
Define yourself in one sentence
"I will create what happened" (CL).
What is your favourite book and song and why?
- For me to mention a book in a moment is to show the mood of that moment. Today, I am going to mention Invisible Cities by Ítalo Calvino. In it, the Italian poetically creates cities that we don't always dare to imagine. Which one would you live in?
- I enjoy listening Experiencie (Einudai and Hope), in the evening.
EEC Team