Mentor Coach by EEC.

Ana Escobar

Curriculum Vitae

  • Degree in Psychology from the Autonomous University of Madrid.
  • Diploma in Organizational Psychology and Human Resources from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid - Fundación Universidad Empresa
  • Master's Degree in Disability and Work Incapacity Assessment by the UAM and the Carlos III Health Institute.
  • Master's Degree in Emotional Ecology by the Ámbit Foundation
  • PCC Coach by ICF
  • Diploma in TEAM COACHING from the Escuela Europea de Coaching.
  • Mentor Coach by the European School of Coaching.
  • Coach Expert in Emotional Management by the Escuela Europea de Coaching.

What is your passion?

Discovering mysteries and finding treasures, learning new things, dancing with or without music, the mountain in silence... and my children.

Why are you in coaching?

Because it allows me to accompany other people in building the future they want. To be able to see first-hand what human beings are capable of is an absolute privilege.

How did you come to coaching?

I have always been interested in people. What happens to us, what we do and why. That's why I decided to delve deeper into this mystery that we are, and I discovered that we can live much happier, much freer and much more conscious lives if we find the way to communicate and bond better. That is why I studied Psychology and, a few years later, I specialized in Coaching. Since then I have been learning every day.

Define yourself in one sentence

"Love your rhythm, and rhythm your actions under its law, as well as your verses; you are a universe of universes and your soul a fountain of songs" (Rubén Darío).

EEC Team

Executive Coach by EEC

Eva Gasques

Executive Coach by EEC.

Beatriz Roca

Executive Coach by EEC.

Ana Sciaini