Executive Coach.
Founding Partner and Executive Director.

Eva López-Acevedo

Eva works directly in the development and implementation of coaching projects in companies and has been responsible for more than 21 years of coaching services in more than 300 companies. She also participates as a speaker, coach and consultant in feedback processes for managers.

Curriculum Vitae

  • Degree in Law from the Complutense University of Madrid (C.E.U. San Pablo).
  • Professional Certified Coach (PCC) by the International Coach Federation (ICF-USA)
  • Master Coach by Linkage (UK)
  • Certified as a Mentor Coach with ICF endorsed qualification.
  • Accredited for the use of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator by Oxford Psychologists (OPP-UK).
  • Situational Leadership by the Center for Leadership Studies (Hershey Center, California)

What is your passion?

First and foremost my own: my family, my friends and my dogs. I love skiing, dancing, travelling, my motorbike, the countryside, Asturies (how beautiful yé!)

Why are you in coaching?

Because I firmly believe that a better world is possible. In addition to achieving concrete results, coaching is transformative learning that usually brings wellbeing to clients. The more coaching spreads, the more we move towards a kinder world. That is the true power of this quiet revolution.

How did you come to coaching?

After eight years of designing seminars and conferences, I came to the conclusion that purely conceptual training is not enough for a manager to change his or her behaviour or 'change the chip'. The search for other learning possibilities led me through various disciplines until I discovered coaching back in 1999. It was then that I decided to train as a coach and start a new and exciting career.

Define yourself in one sentence

Why does it have to be one if it can be two? Never give up and Let's live, it's only two days!

EEC Team

Executive Coach by EEC

Eva Gasques

Executive Coach by EEC.

Beatriz Roca

Executive Coach by EEC.

Ana Sciaini