Executive Coach by EEC.
Communication and Marketing.

Lydia Vidal

Lydia works in media relations and the design of EEC communications, events, campaigns and content. As an executive coach she has participated in different processes in EEC projects.

Curriculum Vitae

  • Degree in Journalism. Universidad San Pablo CEU, Madrid, 1999
  • Psychology Studies, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 1993-1995.
  • Postgraduate Degree in Multimedia Communication, San Pablo CEU, 1999
  • Higher Program in Business Management and Communication Management. Instituto de Empresa, IE, 2010
  • How to plan and execute a consistent Social Media program, in Dircom, 2010.
  • Introduction to Corporate Volunteering Training, Escuela de Voluntariado del Ayuntamiento de Madrid, 2010
  • Certified Executive Coach, Escuela Europea de Coaching (EEC) 2016.
  • Course Enchanted to know me, Introduction to the Enneagram, with Bojar Vilaseca, 2017
  • MBSR de MIT, en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 2016
  • Introduction to Nonviolent Communication, at the Institute for Nonviolent Communication, with Pilar de la Torre, 2017-2018
  • CCT, Compassion Training, Nirakara Institute 2018
  • HR Agile Executive Program, Stellium Business School 2022

What is your passion?

The sad songs, the laughter of my children, the autumn leaves, the spring buds, feeling at home.

Why are you in coaching?

I recognize in myself all the challenges. To learn and to keep learning.

How did you come to coaching?

My destiny crossed paths with coaching for work reasons, but in the end, it was personal reasons that made coaching even more meaningful to me.

Define yourself in one sentence

Lately, this inspiration, this expiration.

EEC Team

Executive Coach by EEC

Eva Gasques

Executive Coach by EEC.

Beatriz Roca

Executive Coach by EEC.

Ana Sciaini