Mentor Coach by EEC.
Patxi Rocha del Cura
Patxi is in charge of the EEC programs The Power of Non-Verbal Communication and Stress Management. He also participates as a coach and supervisor in various in-company training courses and in the EEC Executive Coaching Certification Program.
Curriculum Vitae
- Degree in Psychology by the University of Deusto.
- Master Certified Coach (MCC) by the International Coach Federation (ICF-USA).
- Certified as Mentor Coach with an ICF-approved qualification.
- Certified as Team Coaching by the European School of Coaching.
- Certified as SCRUM MASTER (CSM) by Scrum Alliance
- Synergist by the European Association of Synergology.
- Gestalt Therapist by the IPTG.
- Master in Human Resources by ICADE.
What is your passion?
Ser testigo de que las personas pueden cambiar hacia espacios de mayor confort y felicidad.
Why are you in coaching?
For the same reason I came to it: to be coherent.
How did you come to coaching?
When I felt that my work was not aligned with my values and my actions.
Define yourself in one sentence
Ralph Waldo Emerson escribió una vez que “Ser uno mismo en un mundo que está constantemente tratando de convertirte en algo diferente”.
EEC Team