Executive Coach by EEC.
Responsible EEC Andorra.
Responsible EEC Andorra.
Saul Larrayad
What is your passion?
People, I am a social animal and I need to be and share with people.
Why are you in coaching?
Because when I started to train in Ontological Coaching I discovered that I had spent my whole life giving advice, and in the work environment, I had spent the last 15 years telling others what to do. Coaching has shown me that what really works with people is to help them discover the answers themselves. And that's where we are.
How did you come to coaching?
I became interested when I participated as a coachee in an executive coaching process for managers in the company where I worked.
Define yourself in one sentence
It is a Latin phrase: "Non bene pro tot libertas venditur auro"... in other words, I will not sell my freedom for all the gold in the world.
EEC Team