Workshops and online
training programs
Workshops and online training courses
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EEC online coaching courses and workshops
The EEC online coaching training is structured as follows three pillars: methodology, trainers and technical support.
Workshops, coaching courses and webinars online
Take the first step. Connect to our free coaching workshops and courses to get into coaching.
Take the comprehensive executive coaching training at EEC and obtain an accredited qualification.
Training for coaches and professionals
Coaching is an art and training is continuous. Find your expertise and stay up to date with our courses and workshops.
Workshops and webinars
Attend free webinars and take part in continuous training activities with the EEC coaching community. Many of these workshops are open to the general public, so if you have not yet trained as a coach, this could be a great opportunity for you to learn about this discipline alongside leading professionals.
Discover and develop your 'soft skills' by studying online
Free bi-monthly webinars: train your leadership and coaching skills
In order to introduce basic coaching tools and techniques, we are launching these workshops and coaching courses with a duration of approximately one hour and which will deal with a specific coaching distinction, tool or technique.
The content of these workshops will be oriented to people who want to have a first contact with the discipline and who have not yet attended any training related to coaching. Of course, if you are already familiar with these tools and want to attend, we invite you to share your learning, but if you want to go deeper, we have more workshops for you below.

2 free webinars every month
Discounts for training programs
Speakers, coaches and references
Develop your skills as a certified coach
EEC Alumni Activities
At EEC Alumni you will be able to work on the core competencies that mark ICF and receive Continuing Education Credits (CCE) necessary for the practice of the profession and for your ICF certification processes.
A space for quality, reflection and collaboration with coaching as a central axis and a regular and periodic offer in the form of webinars, courses, conferences, workshops, colloquiums and activities.
Networking community with more than 5,000 professionals
+ of 24 CCEs per year for certified coaches
32 annual workshops

Upcoming Live Streaming editions
Check out the next editions in Live Streaming mode at EEC.
Inspirational Testimonials from EEC Alumni
«El coaching es un ejercicio de humildad. Para indagar en los demás, primero tienes que cuestionar lo que crees que sabes»
«El libro ‘Ikigai’ me recordó que uno es el único dueño de su destino y desde entonces abracé mis deseos con valentía y compromiso»
«Being happy, for me, means generating value for others and contributing to the personal development of those around me»