Coach Core Competencies Training

If you are a professional coach and want to elevate your coaching skills or advance in your professional practice, we propose to participate in this exclusive program for professional coaches who are looking to make a qualitative leap in their professional practice.

"If as coaches we accompany people to move forward, we also must position ourselves in a process of continuous growth". Ruth Gavilán

Live streaming
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Where does it take place?
Live streaming

Being a good professional coach requires permanent training. The coach is a constant learner. As coaches practice professionally, it is very common to adapt and be persistent on what becomes effective in coaching sessions, sometimes failing to incorporate new ways to serve the client.

This program is designed, aligned with the international standards' framework, so that continuing to grow coaching abilities is within the reach of all experienced coaches. Coach mentors with extensive experience, holding PCC or MCC accreditation, walk alongside you through your growth path.

Who is the target audience?

  • Professional coaches who wish to make a qualitative leap in their practice, incorporate new strategies, abandon unproductive habits, add proven skills.
  • Practicing coaches with ACC or PCC equivalent experience who are looking to renew their credential with ICF-approved training, or simply boost their practice through new skills.
  • Coaches who want to participate in a professional environment exchanging best practices with colleagues from other schools and cultures, as well as being supervised by experienced trainers.
  • Coaching school facilitators and mentors who will improve the learning of their students. In general, all those coaching professionals who are detecting the need to acquire new experience in order to work more effectively.


  • Detect your challenges as a coach to incorporate new skills, as well as identify which interventions in your practice are aligned to the international standard.
  • Deepen the key skills of the coach to practice a wide variety of tools in the service of the client.
  • Get feedback, as well as give it to colleagues, through real-time supervised sessions with the aim of advancing your performance level.
  • Work in a professional environment to learn, share and experience best practices to optimize your skills.


The program is eminently practical for the incorporation of new skills, concepts and best practices through supervision and mentoring of the coach.

Respecting your own style of coaching, training sessions foster active participation of all professionals in a space of trust and construction based on diversity.

The synchronous sessions are accompanied by individual work activities, before and after the sessions, in order to advance and consolidate learning.


Your ethics as coach

Working with challenging cases and situations from the point of view of the coach's ethics.

How much of a coach mindset do you hold?

Your identity as a professional coach.
Supervising your practice.

Achieve setting the session goal

Ensure that the session goal responds to an effective agreement.
A review of all coach agreements.

My client experiences my trust and safety

Trust in a coaching relationship.
Strategies for trust.

Silence to balance the what and the who

Practice mindful attention to your client.
Accompany yourself from silence.

Listen... listen... what for?

Train different listeners.
Listening or listening?

Expanding beyond current view

Accompanying beyond.
Ask what for.
Why ask.

Sharing my observations and perceptions...

Provide feedback.
Who gives feedback
What I give feedback for.


What is a metaphor.
Expanding my framework for my client.

Generating growth

Growing up by growing.
Strategies for planning and action.

Duration and Modalities

Live Streaming

22 hours in synchronous classroom + 5 hours of individual work

Admission and Success Requirements

Admission requirements

  • All participants must have completed an ICF-approved coaching training program and have at least the number of hours of professional activity to qualify for the ACC credential.
  • Interview with EEC admission consultants.
  • Complete registration and conditions prior to program starting date.

Terms of Payment


1573 € incl. VAT

Discounts and Grants

EEC ALUMNI: 1421.75 € VAT included

Program eligible for reimbursement through FUNDAE.

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