Juan Carles Head of HR Rituals Ibérica
"I think it's an exercise to do with all the teams in the company".
Juan Carles Cifre, human resources director at Rituals Iberia, shares his experience of using coaching in his organization's management team, and how they started to roll out the exercise to other teams because of the positive results.

What objectives did the management team set in motion with this process?
We approached the school because we really had a major challenge: we had a management team of good professionals but we really had to deal with some very big challenges. One of them was a change of General Management and also to face this exponential and accelerated growth that we have in Rituals, which is another great challenge.
From there, our aim was to work with the management team to achieving a more cohesive, stronger and more confident team. We were able to make those quick, joint decisions when these challenges required it. That was the reason we approached EEC.
What was worked on during the accompaniment?
In addition to working on trust between us, which is the basis of the whole team, what we have really worked on and incorporated is a much more efficient communication style.
We have reviewed the whole style of meetings, the communications that we need as a team. So that the result was a more empowered team.
What has the process been like?
What we have basically done is to work in meetings with the Escuela Europea de Coaching, to incorporate monographic sessions on topics that were very relevant to us, such as feedback, for example. And to offer the members of the committee individual coaching processes to favour this change, this transformation towards this new stage that we wanted.
What is the role of the HR manager?
It is key. The value contribution that the human resources manager can make to this team is to read between the lines of these little things that are not working.
Sometimes do not allow the full potential of this team to emerge.
So I think it is a process. A transformational journey of a team working on these fundamental aspects such as communication, feedback, being in trust and in a safe space within the management committee is vital.
The human resources manager there has to be a driver of this change and to make the team see that they can really go to another level.
During this period, there was a change of CEO, what would you point out?
The role of human resources has been key as an ally of general management
to make this transformation possible.
In both stages it has been different, equally key in both. In the first one, it was taking this team, taking them out of their comfort zone and taking them to the next level, with this exposure to a series of tools, which produce discomfort but which are really going to empower you as a person.
Once this team was stronger, more worked, it had to incorporate another leader. So the rules they had learned, the style, the informal language... In short, everything that was working in that team had to change. It was a big challenge.
It is very important that the CEO is involved in the process and that we are all open to change, that we are all drivers of change. Things have to be adjusted, even if the team is strong, the balance has to be found again.
What was it like to reconfigure yourselves into a new team?
Obviously, the team was not starting from the same level. A lot of work had already been done, but in fact life in the team is constant in terms of movements. In other words, when you have a team in place, working at full capacity, you can't say that it's like that forever, but really, when there is a new change as important as a change of direction, the team takes three steps backwards. And once again you have to work again to readjust all the communication tools, all the rules for the functioning of the team. This is fundamental to success.
Was the project extended to other teams?
After the management area, there is a need for this way of functioning with team rules to go down to the different levels. There is a before and after being aware of the team, participating in the design of common rules is an essential pillar. There is a noticeable difference when a team has worked on these internal operating rules and when it has not.
So we started to bring it down to the commercial teams and then to the rest. I think it is a exercise to be done with all company teams.
What would you highlight from the result?
The result is spectacular, it is super satisfying for the members.
When we started this work, everyone is a little bit afraid of change, seeing that we also work on issues that go deep inside people. People are afraid to show this more private side, to show their vulnerability. But you need to take this step to start growing exponentially.
The result is fantastic. We are another team. People are much more motivated, much more demanding of help, from that vulnerability, how can I develop as a manager.
Apart from that, communication is very much more effective. We give each other feedback, we allow each other to give feedback, that is a great achievement. Decision-making is much more agile, much more spontaneous, it is also much more guided, we have internal rules that allow us to work as a team, we have roles for each meeting, which also allow us to be more efficient.
In the end, the result is that we look strong as a team of management to face the changes. Doubling the business is a fascinating challenge, very, very, very demanding, but very nice at the same time.
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