Nuria Gisbert - Director General of CIC EnergiGUNE

"For me, the school is the benchmark for coaching worldwide".
Nuria Gibert, director general of CIC EnergiGUNE, gives voice to his opinion on his long-standing relationship with the European School of Coaching as a coach and aartner of different projects, and the consequences of this on the functioning of the organization.

What is Escuela Europea de Coaching for you?
An organization that accompanies other organizations in their cultural change processes. For us, the Escuela Europea de Coaching is a benchmark, both in Spain and in Latin America. EEC has trained great coaches with whom we have worked. So, for me, the school is the a global benchmark in coaching.
What anecdote would you highlight from the relationship between EnergiGUNE and EEC?
When I started the certification process in executive coaching myself, I remember the first day in class talking about the development and as it was linked to the trust, with the expression of the vulnerability, with the requirement sustainability excellence. That, in a way, put me up against the mirror. It was also putting up against the mirror some beliefs that I carried in my backpack and that perhaps needed to be revised. For me it was a personal transformation.
And in some way, we have been carrying out this transformation through the process of cultural transformation within EnergiGUNE.
What would you highlight about the projects with EEC as a partner?
First, flexibility that the school shows every time we bring a challenge and put it on the table. As they try to make a tailor-made suit with the whole team to accompany that challenge.
Second, coaching accreditation professionalism of all their coaches. We have had the opportunity to work with several of them and the truth is that it is a pleasure. They are all very powerful. Each one uses their craft from their own experience and at the same time they are mentors for us.
The third thing is that when we started this process of cultural transformation, there were people within the team who were not very clear about what individual coaching and team coaching was. And now, even the most sceptical ones have seen this transformation and have recognized that the process has been worthwhile.
How would you define EEC in three words?
The first would be team, understood as people aligned to pursue a common goal. The second would be communication, understood as common action. And the third would be development, as the craft of knowing how to generate conversations to make things happen.
And thank you for having accompanied us during these years in our own process of cultural transformation, which has been such a valuable accompaniment for us.
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