Susana Cortés - Head of Human Resources at Novartis Spain


"In addition to the training and personal growth, EEC conveys a tremendous sense of community in which I continue to grow".

Susana Cortés
Head of Human Resources at Novartis Spain

Susana Cortés, director Human Resources at Novartis Spain, tells of the impact her experience with Escuela Europea de Coaching has had. In this conversation, Cortés explores the differences she and her peers have observed in their behaviour as an organization.

Escuela Europea de Coaching

What words do you associate with Escuela Europea de Coaching?

Participating in the School's training courses has been a great personal journey. It has meant getting to know myself, from a totally different perspective, with tools that I didn't have before and that I didn't have at my disposal.

Through these tools and sharing the journey with people with the same concerns and passion for coaching, I have evolved.

In addition to training and personal growth, the EEC conveys a community feeling I am still growing up in.

How has this training impacted your leadership style?

I am a person who has a much more empathetic leadership and much closer, at the same time, that I am able to facilitate conversations I used to live in a different way.

I enjoy conversations with colleagues much more. And on a personal level, I also take home a backpack full of new skills.

Therefore, on a personal and professional level, this experience has marked me and defined who I am now as a person.

Which tool do you still use today?

For me, without a doubt, the positive intention. To approach it in the way we approached it at school was to discover a different way of looking at a personal experience and, from there, to face it from a different perspective.

I use it a lot in my conversations, personal and professional, I show it to others and I see in them the power it has as well.

What anecdotes do you remember from our collaborations?

Without a doubt, the moment when several of us from Novartis HR were training at the same time in coaching skills with the school and how that transformed our conversations. How talking about coaching became commonplace in the organization and how it still is today.

How was Novartis' commitment to coaching received?

At Novartis, we talk about coaching as a matter of course. We have trained profiles from different areas with the aim of facilitating discussions and I also believe that we have not exploited the impact they generate to the maximum. So I think that coaching is like a tool that you use constantly, that you go deeper and deeper and that needs training. Therefore, I would encourage everyone to have coaching sessions and training because training that muscle is a very important part of coaching clearly translates into results and positive impact on the organization.

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